About us
Hi there, my name is Tracey and I am the owner of The Kids Directory.
One night I was chatting to my husband and told him about the idea I had of starting a kids directory online. I had never heard of this idea and was so over searching the web for things to do with my family and coming up with nothing. A dream that started in only one province has grown in a year to the whole of South Africa.
Join me as we discover the best of what South Africa has to offer. Check out the calendar of the province you are looking for, for things to do with your family From arts, to outings, accommodation and adventures. Anything kid and family approved will be on our calendar and or on our social media pages.
Download our app to have the calendar at your fingertips constantly.
I, along with my family, are so happy to have you here.
Love Trace

introducing our animals

Ellie the elephant
her memory is amazing and her heart is just as good, she loves to love everyone. Her stomping grounds are North West, Northern Cape and Free State.

Gerry the giraffe
with her tall neck she watches out for all the animals. Mother of the group. Her herd, a tower of giraffes, hang out in Gauteng.

Leo the lion
he is king of all the animals. You must hear him rawrrr. Leo loves the warm weather of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Rhys the rhino
he is our grumpy fellow always looking for ways to ruin your day! But have no fear, for he love the Eastern Cape and all that it has to offer.

Christo the croc
watch out for his snap, he loves to play jokes on you. He loves to wallow in the waters of the Western Cape, taking in all the fynbos that the mountains have to offer.

Zeddy the zebra
the class clown, never a dull moment with him around. Watch out for Zeddy and his herd as they explore the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces.
Watch out for the animals so you know which province you are looking at.